My Sheepy Library

These are books and periodicals that have been a big help to me thus far in my shepherding adventures!  I highly recommend them all, but if you had to choose just one, I'd suggest the first:

Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep, Paula Simmons and Carol Ekarius

In addition to Raising Sheep, Storey's also publishes Storey's Barn Guide to Sheep:

This is a really nifty resource - it is designed to be hung in the barn so that you have ready access to first-aid, lambing, shearing, and other information that you might need!

Sheep (A Hobby Farms Book), Sue Weaver

 The Sheep Book, Ron Parker

 How to Raise Sheep, Philip Hasheider

I found these books on Amazon, and they've all offered different insight and lessons that I know are going to be really important when my life with sheep begins!

This next book, The Icelandic Fleece: A Fibre for all Reasons, is AMAZING! From the history of the breed to the story of these sheep coming to Canada - from prepping to dyeing to various projects to make from this versatile fleece - this is a fantastic resource for anybody interested in the Icelandic breed!

And this magazine, Sheep! The Voice of the Independent Flockmasters, looks to have a wide-range of informative articles, classified ads...not to mention loads of pictures of cute sheep! I was pleasantly surprised to find it at Hastings, and have ordered a subscription!


  1. Okay, I'm not a shepherdess and have no plans to become one anytime soon (my suburban neighbors would likely object, lol).... yet is it strange that I totally want to read these!??! ;) Haha!

  2. Somehow I'm not the least bit surprised! :D But seriously, you should read these so that you'll be ready for the Hogwarts Nursing Home flock that we're going to have! :D
