Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Visit

Hello again, Readers!

This post will be rather brief - it is primarily to share pictures from the wonderful day my kids and I spent at Jerry Lee Farm this week! I had a request from a friend in Missouri to get a fleece for her, so that was the primary purpose of our trip to the farm - however, it was also a chance for my teenagers to meet the newcomers to our family! I suspect that, until we actually bring these babies home in April, there will be lots of visits to get further acquainted with Black Velvet, Mikey, and Panda Bear!

Panda Bear and Black Velvet, eagerly anticipating snacks from Lee
(Black Velvet was looking at the camera)

Black Velvet is slowly checking out my daughter's hand

You can see how Panda Bear got her name!

Mikey is in the very back - he is white with a funny marking around his head and face
(kind of looks like a sunburn)

Lee had bread and rolls ready for us to feed to the sheep, so we got a chance to do a bit of bonding...Mikey was having a very shy day, however; I tried really hard to get some bread out to him, but the other sheep kept stealing it...I hope I can win him over soon!

My teenagers, who I happen to believe are the best teenagers in the universe, loved seeing the sheep - they learned a great deal (it was Ag Ed day for our homeschooling family), and I was very excited when, on the way home, my son asked me if he could maybe get a job at Jerry Lee Farm - he really wants to learn more about sheep! Both kids are ready and eager to help me with our new family members, so I am hoping that the weather will start cooperating so that we can get outside and begin work on their barn!

Thank you for reading - I am planning for my next post to begin describing what I've been learning about sheep care, as well as sharing our work on the barn and pastures!


  1. I am so happy that you have decided to blog about your wooly adventures with your new pets! I am looking forward to reading all future posts. :-)

  2. A job at the sheep farm would be a great way to learn more about sheep!

  3. A job at the sheep farm would be a great way to learn more about sheep!

  4. It sure would!!! I'd love to get hired out there myself! ;)
