I remember my mom telling me that someday, time would fly - that when I was "her age" (which was back when she was in her 40s and I was a teenager), I would be so shocked at how fast time would go by. I didn't believe her - and now, at the ripe old age of 47, I know she just laughs and laughs when I tell her how fast time is flying by! All this to say..."HOW ON EARTH IS IT SEPTEMBER 29th ALREADY???"
Before the month slips completely away, let me share some fun pics of the Trio, who daily come to resemble poofy, wooly, marshmallows more and more! Remember when they came home with us on April 15th, and they looked like this?
Well, less than 6 months later, they look like this!
Wooly Sisters |
Check out all that WOOL!! |
The Noble Mikey-Beast |
I am excited and nervous to see what their fleece looks like when it comes off - I know it's not going to be as clean as it was when they were living with Lee (I'm still trying to keep them from pulling hay down on top of each other, and they are magnets for thistles in the pastures), but my big hope is that there aren't any breaks in the wool. Breaks happen when a sheep isn't healthy - maybe they go through a bout of pneumonia, or they have worms at some point - of course, those things haven't happened to my three, but I worry that maybe they had a hard time with the bad summer and the poor air-quality...maybe they didn't get as much grazing as they should have...you know, second-guessing everything I've done since April 15th! I've even added sweet livestock feed every other day, even though Lee said I could wait to do that until they are sheared - turns out they love the sweet feed even more than bread. Yep, you heard me - they go completely out of their wooly minds when I bring out the sweet feed, and they are so addicted to it that I have to keep it in the house - they got into the bag when I had it in the storage section of the barn, and Panda Bear ate so much she got...well, she got clumpy poop. Sheep have pebbly poop, and after this little incident, she had clumpy poop. It cleared up on its own, thank goodness - but they are now so determined to get into that part of the barn that I
can't keep the sweet feed in there anymore.
The next few weeks are going to be crazy busy, and I'm very excited for all of it!
Spinzilla starts on October 5th, which means I will be shooting for the Monster Mile (spinning a mile of yarn between October 5th-11th) - I don't know if I can do it, particularly with everything else going on, but it will be fun to try! On October 9th we're hosting a Farm Day for a group of local homeschoolers to come out and meet the Trio. My son and daughter are both going to give talks about the sheep, and I'll be explaining how Icelandics came to be, as well as how wool is processed. Then the next day is Shearing Day at Lee's, so we'll be loading the Trio into our Toyota Sienna for their first road trip since coming to us - I am so nervous about this, but Lee assures me they will ride just fine in the van. I promise you pictures of this, dear Readers! The weekend after that is a fiber retreat that I get to attend, about an hour from here, and I plan to spin and knit my little fingers off! Then the weekend after that is my first craft fair as a vendor! I'm hoping to have lots of handspun, art batts, and a few knitted items to sell, and I'll be sharing the booth with Lee and another friend, so it will be a great learning experience and lots of fun! Despite the busyness of October, however, I do want to get at least two blog posts written up, with loads of pictures of the Trio, Shearing Day, and maybe some of my handspun! Thanks for reading, and I promise to write more in October! In the meantime, the Trio says BAAAAA!!!
Sheep Lumps! |
Mikey actually says, "Please tell Mommy to stop dressing me up!" |
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